Chris from tallulahssatchels send me this adorable testimonial, she makes a great wool purses and she start to play a little bit with some cut outs from my shop.
"When I found Kutz on etsy I thought that I had died and went to heaven! The ideas were tumbling around in my brain as I looked at each new cut out that was listed. I could buy everything in the store! The designs are so unique and delicate. I have never seen anything like them before. I just particpated in an art fair and people went crazy over the tree with bird, the little girl with braids and the different flowers. I think that Cyn is very talented and clever. She is also very kind and a pleasure to work with. I eagerly anticipate all of her new designs."

Thank you Chris I really appreciate your support specially on this moments.
Big hugs.
Hola Cyn... te mereces todos esos halagos, aparte de ser una artesana y diseñadora dotada erea una persona maravillosa.
Mil disculpas por el abandono... pero a veces, incluso, me he abandonado a mi misma en el torbellino de la vida.
Un abrazo enorme!
Estão lindas!
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